Statement on 2020 Lobby Day
Jan 20 | NewsRichmond, VA – Today, Delegate Michael J. Webert released the following statement regarding today’s Second Amendment rally at the Virginia State Capitol.
“Thank you to the tens of thousands of Virginians that came out today to support our Second Amendment rights. It was an amazing sight to see.”

“Despite Governor Northam’s best efforts to keep everyone away by declaring a state of emergency, we saw the Second Amendment community rally together to petition their Government. No one was arrested, no one was injured, and the crowd even took time to clean up after themselves before they left.”
“I hope the Democrats heard us loud and clear today. The laws they have proposed would have zero effect on criminals. Instead, they would only put more limitations on law-abiding citizens – the same citizens that showed up today to peacefully protest.”
“Keep the pressure on your elected officials – keep calling their office, keep sending them mail, keep showing up at the Capitol. The fight for keeping our rights has only just begun.”